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What is Roxy

Roxycodone, also referred to by its street name “Roxy”, is a semi-synthetic opioid medication prescribed for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. It has been classified as a Schedule II narcotic due to its high risk of abuse and addiction. Roxycodone is a specific brand name of the drug oxycodone, a narcotic painkiller largely responsible for the opioid epidemic in America.

Roxy is produced in pill form as an immediate-release tablet. Due to the pills’ blue color and 30 mg dose, Roxy is also known by nicknames such as “blues” or “thirties”. Its effects are similar to that of morphine, causing a strong sensation of euphoria and sedation. The tablets are designed to deliver immediate pain relief when taken, often described as a sudden rush of pleasure. Also, unlike generic oxycodone, Roxy targets the central nervous system in order to provide long-lasting pain relief for up to six hours.

Because of its instant and long-lasting and euphoric effects, Roxy is highly addictive and prone to substance abuse. As a Schedule II narcotic, Roxy finds itself on a dangerous list of drugs including morphine, methadone, and fentanyl. According to the NIDA (National Institute of Drug Addiction), 1 in 30 high schoolers across the US have abused Roxycodone one or more times.

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How is Roxy Abused?

Roxy abuse occurs when the drug is taken without a prescription or in larger amounts than the prescribed dose. A person may also abuse Roxy by incorrectly taking the drug (such as snorting, smoking, or through injection) to seek a more intense high. However, this can lead to serious health issues such as inhalation of particles into the lungs and/or damage to the nasal airways.

Abuse of opioids like Roxy often occurs as a person’s tolerance to the drug builds. In an attempt to feel the desired effect, a person struggling with substance abuse of Roxy may increase their dosage or frequency of taking the drug. This can lead to various side effects and withdrawal symptoms as abuse worsens.

In many cases, substance abuse can stem from other co-occurring disorders. Substance abuse of Roxy and other opioids has been linked to disorders such as:

Side Effects of Roxy Drug Abuse

Common side effects of Roxy abuse include:

  • Moodiness and constant mood changes
  • Confusion or fogginess, sometimes leading to hallucinations
  • Complete loss of appetite
  • Serious weight loss
  • Intense stomach pain or discomfort
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Physical and mental exhaustion

In more severe cases of Roxy abuse, a person may experience serious physical or physiological side effects requiring immediate medical attention, such as:

  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Slow, labored breathing
  • Extreme fatigue/sleepiness
  • Trouble waking up

The effects of drug abuse can also be devastating to a person’s professional and social life. A person may lose their job, friends, or spouse as a result of their addiction to Roxy.

There are also several long-term negative effects associated with prolonged abuse of Roxy. For example, a person may build an unhealthy tolerance to opioids, making Roxy and other prescription painkillers significantly less effective when needed for pain management. Men could also experience a loss of testosterone or an enlarged prostate. Other long-term effects of Roxy abuse include constipation, swelling of the limbs, dry mouth, difficulty breathing, and sinus damage or infection. Like other opioids, extreme cases of Roxy abuse can also lead to a coma or death.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Roxy

Unfortunately, withdrawal symptoms are common with Roxy and are similar to symptoms associated with other opiates like heroin or methadone. The severity of a person’s Roxy withdrawals will vary depending on the severity and length of their substance abuse.

In most cases, withdrawal symptoms begin about six hours after the last use and will continue for up to one full week.

Common Roxy withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Chills
  • Excessive sweating
  • Physical weakness and fatigue
  • Runny nose
  • Joint pain
  • High or elevated blood pressure
  • Difficult or irregular breathing
  • Elevated heart rate (tachycardia)

Getting Help for Roxy Addiction

Recovery is possible for those struggling with an addiction to opioids like Roxy. Prescription drug abuse is extremely dangerous and can be life threatening if not stopped. While it is often intimidating, withdrawals are the first step to overcoming an addiction to Roxycodone.