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Top-down view of Florida therapy center featuring pool and sports court.

Spa Services

While other treatment facilities focus on counseling, therapy, and detox—all important steps in addressing addiction— Beachway Therapy Center focuses on holistic approaches that contribute to a complete sense of well-being. As patients work to confront the impact that addiction has had on their lives, it is also important to allow time to relax and practice self-care; this will ensure a positive outlook – increasing the chances of a successful recovery. Some ways to relax and heal during treatment include:

A spa service allows patients to relax and focus on positive, healthy behaviors. When our patients feel healthy and relaxed, they are motivated to continue addiction treatment.

Soothing background image of white and gray waves.


Beachway is proud to have, as part of our recovery team, a registered and licensed Dietician and Nutritionist with a Master’s Degree in Public Health. Karen M. Gauci’s specialties include nutritional evaluation, counseling and diet recommendations for weight management, chronic disease risk reduction, health promotion and wellness, sports nutrition, pediatrics, eating disorders, substance abuse, and psychiatric problems. She also offers assistance in menu planning, label reading, and proper portion control.

Mental Health and addiction impact the system differently. Although one thing is true: people who abuse substances such as alcohol and drugs are malnourished. Between eating poorly and the effects that drugs or alcohol have on your system, your metabolism, organ function, and mental health are affected by what goes into an individual’s body.

At Beachway, vitamin supplementation is used when larger doses of vitamins for addiction recovery are recommended. Still, we also rely on the vitamins found in our chef’s menu that offer a wide range of flavorful, healthy foods.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida therapy center location.

Equine Therapy

Therapeutic riding was first introduced to treat certain orthopedic conditions in Germany. Patients would be matched with a physiotherapist and a horse trainer for a year to improve their condition and strength.

The popularity of equine therapy for addiction gradually grew and soon reached American shores. In 1969, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl) was founded in the US to provide a range of equine-related therapies for those with disabilities. In 1999, the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) were formed to focus on the potential mental and emotional health benefits of equine therapy for drug abuse.


Art Therapy

Art Therapy at Beachway is a transformative approach to drug, alcohol, and mental health treatment, allowing individuals to explore and express their feelings through creative means when traditional communication falls short. This approach encompasses psychological theories, human development, and artistic traditions. Our art therapy sessions serve as a powerful conduit for self-expression and emotional healing.

Participants can participate in a variety of creative activities that foster visual communication, personal breakthroughs, self-confidence, and emotional healing, which are critical for self-discovery and relapse prevention. This program encourages engagement across multiple areas of the brain, helping individuals navigate complex emotions through the creation of art, without imposing interpretations on the outcomes. This approach can be integrated seamlessly with our traditional dual diagnosis treatment programs, making art therapy a pivotal element of recovery at Beachway if a patient chooses to opt in.


Music Therapy Groups

Music Therapy at Beachway Therapy Center integrates a comprehensive approach to mental health and addiction recovery, focusing on the whole person rather than just the disorder. Accredited by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), our program leverages both active and receptive methods, which range from instrument playing to therapeutic listening.

This versatile treatment approach helps in managing various emotional, physical, and cognitive challenges linked to substance abuse and mental health issues. With evidence-backed methods like Dalcroze Eurythmics, The Bonny Method, Kodaly, Neurologic Music Therapy, and Orff-Schulwerk, we aim to foster emotional healing, enhance cognitive functions, and improve communication and motor skills. This approach is scientifically proven to activate pleasure centers in the brain, reduce pain, and assist in emotional and physical rehabilitation. Music therapy at Beachway is a powerful tool in crafting a holistic and effective path towards recovery and well-being.


Psychodrama Therapy

Psychodrama Therapy at Beachway Therapy Center is an innovative and experiential approach to addiction and mental health recovery. This approach utilizes role-playing to deeply explore and address underlying emotional wounds.

Developed by Jacob Levy Moreno, this psychodrama therapy encourages authentic self-expression within a supportive environment, which fosters self-awareness and healing. Encompassing three key phases—Warm-Up, Action, and Sharing—participants can engage in guided activities that uncover new insights and promote healthier behaviors. Integrated within Beachway’s comprehensive treatment framework, for patients that opt in, psychodrama offers a dynamic and transformative path towards recovery, complementing other therapeutic modalities for a holistic healing experience.

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Choosing an Accredited
Rehabilitation Center

The Joint Commission is an independent organization that rates healthcare facilities in the United States. The Joint Commission also evaluates rehabilitation centers, checking that the facilities meet standards for patient rights, medication management, and emergency preparedness. The Joint Commission also ensures that doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners are qualified and certified.

When researching drug and addiction rehabilitation facilities, it’s important to determine if The Joint Commission, or CARF, has accredited that rehab center. For example, if they have consistently passed Joint Commission inspections, it shows that the facility meets important criteria that contribute to a safe, professional healing environment.

Here at Beachway, we’re proud to say we are accredited by The Joint Commission and intend to maintain that accreditation in the future.

Top-down view of Florida therapy center featuring pool and sports court.

Yoga and
Recreational Therapy

Patients can be expected to put in a lot of hard work towards their recovery, which is why reinforcing the idea of being kind to yourself and taking care of your body is important. Some of the physical therapy activities we offer include yoga, meditation, swimming, and recreational therapy.

Helping to ease withdrawal symptoms – Exercise can help relieve withdrawal symptoms.

  • Endorphins – Scientists have proven that endorphins are released when we exercise, making us feel happy. The endorphins from exercise can help patients deal with rehab’s emotional aspect, helping create a positive outlet for emotions.
  • Increasing self-esteem – In many cases, patients suffer from low self-esteem. Accomplishing fitness goals and getting in shape can help with this.
  • Creating positive habits – Working out in rehab allows patients to develop a healthy hobby that they can carry with them even after treatment is complete.
Soothing background image of white and gray waves.

Addressing Mental
Health and Addiction

Beachway digs deeper, reaching the root issues of addiction, to address mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and more. Mental health issues are often found at the heart of drug and alcohol addiction. In 2018 9.2 million American adults experienced mental illness and addiction simultaneously. Because both disorders exacerbate each other, proper diagnosis is critical to developing a dual diagnosis recovery program.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment. Individuals struggling with addiction can feel trapped by mental health issues. Even if they want to recover from addiction, a mental health disorder can become a reason for continuing to abuse drugs or alcohol. This is why dual diagnosis treatment in a holistic recovery center is important. By coupling mental health and dual diagnosis treatment with holistic practices, mental health and addiction can be treated together for long-term recovery.

Full Recovery. When rehab programs neglect the mental health aspect, substance abuse can occur again because deeper issues are still an “open case.” Beachway’s dual diagnosis therapy complements holistic drug and alcohol treatment to make a recovery sustainable. Intensive treatment is paired with relaxing, healing therapies, including massage, chiropractic care, and other relaxation services.