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How to Deal With Triggers From Trauma

Trauma triggers seem to come out of nowhere. An individual can be in a good mood before a shout, loud noise, or scary image sends them spiraling into a flashback or full-blown panic attack. Suddenly, they can’t concentrate on the task at hand. They retreat to a private space and curl up in a ball, waiting for the anxiety to end.

A trauma trigger is a stimulus that provokes old memories and fears. When the stimulus occurs, the individual’s brain launches into coping mechanisms that force them to relive the trauma. Sometimes, they remember the event. Other times, they suffer from repressed memories that cause reactions they don’t understand.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

Understanding Trauma Triggers

Outsiders often don’t understand trauma triggers. How could a slamming door or an image on TV cause a panic attack? However, a traumatized person associates these seemingly innocuous stimuli with terror and abuse.


People associate memories with each of their five senses. For example, a girl who went fishing with her parents might associate the memory with bright sunlight, a rocking boat, and the smell of lake water. Getting into a boat or smelling lake water again could stimulate the memory, making her think about that time.

Traumatized people have similar associations. If an abuser screamed at them, they might flinch when one character on TV yells at another. Likewise, they might panic when they smell an abuser’s cologne or hear a similar voice. Virtually anything could become a trigger if the individual associates it with the abuse they experienced.

Common sensory trauma triggers include:

    • Loud, unexpected noises
    • Shouting
    • Explosions, such as fireworks
    • Sudden movements
    • Swear words
    • Physical touch
    • Sexual remarks

These emotions often bring up trauma:

    • Loneliness
    • Helplessness
    • Anxiety
    • Feeling trapped
    • Depression
    • Feeling rejected

Some groups of people are more likely to experience certain triggers. For example, fireworks and TV violence often cause flashbacks in war veterans.

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Identifying Personal Trauma Triggers

Learning how to deal with triggers from trauma starts with identifying the source. Afterward, individuals know what to expect from this stimulus. They also find some relief from fear as they start to understand their anxiety.

Strategies for Identifying Personal Trauma Triggers

Avoidance is one of the most common signs of a trigger. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the individual avoids places, people, and events that remind them of the abuse. They might decline to go out for drinks with friends because someone assaulted them at a bar or avoid someone who reminds them of the incident even if that person was not involved.

Mindfulness helps people learn how to deal with triggers from trauma. An individual might have encountered a trigger if they feel rising panic, the urge to escape, intense anger, or physical sensations, such as sweating and nausea. Practicing mindfulness means accepting the current moment with no judgment, which makes it easier to identify emotions that arise.

Self-Reflection and Self-Awareness Techniques

People can ask themselves these questions when they find a suspected trigger:

    • How do I feel right now?
    • What do I associate with this feeling?
    • Which senses did this stimulate?
    • Have I reacted like this in similar situations?

Journaling about the incident can help people look at the situation objectively. They can also discuss the incident with a third party, such as a friend or counselor.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

Coping With Trauma Triggers

Many trauma triggers never completely go away. An individual can’t avoid loud noises, arguments, certain songs, or holidays without isolating themselves from the world. However, they can learn how to deal with trauma triggers, so they can process their feelings and move on without interrupting their day.


One common technique is exposure therapy. Avoiding a situation intensifies the fear because the individual sees the trigger as a horrifying, unstoppable monster. Gradually exposing themselves to the stimulus may slowly reduce their fear until it no longer affects them.

Some therapists also recommend mindfulness, deep breathing techniques, or grounding exercises. When a person feels triggered, they can stop and analyze their feelings instead of compounding their panic with more fear. They can observe their bodily reactions and ask themselves if they’re thinking logically.


Practicing self-care creates a relaxed mental state, which makes the brain less likely to go haywire. Self-care also builds confidence as the individual connects with their mind and body again. Popular techniques include journaling, going for walks, seeing a therapist, engaging in hobbies, and visiting friends.

Soothing background image of white and gray waves.

Seeking Professional Help

Most people can’t cure themselves because they can’t break out of their own thought patterns. Counselors look at situations objectively and point out new perspectives. For many, therapy means the difference between being stuck in depression and moving on with their lives.

When to Consider Professional Help

An individual should seek professional help when their issues interfere with their life. They might notice they can’t attend certain events, drive past a location, leave the house, or hear a noise without flinching. If they live like this for too long, they may stop believing they can find a way out.

Types of Therapy for Trauma

PTSD survivors often undergo the following treatments:

EDMR therapy: Clients use rapid-eye movements to process their trauma, easing the intense emotions.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

Supporting Others With Trauma Triggers

Therapy can change a person’s life, but it only goes so far if they lack a supportive household. Loved ones need to assist them on their journey, making changes even when it inconveniences them. Otherwise, the person might have to leave the environment altogether.

Strategies for Supporting Loved Ones

Ways to support loved ones with PTSD include:

    • Respecting their boundaries
    • Encouraging them to speak out when they’re uncomfortable
    • Listening without judgment

Friends and family members can encourage them to seek help without pushing too hard. Instead of blaming or threatening the individual, they can point out the benefits of therapy and recommend local counselors. Counseling becomes a positive step instead of a punishment.

Ways to Create a Safe and Supportive Environment

Friends and relatives can practice the following:

    • Removing triggers from the environment
    • Reminding guests to respect the individual’s boundaries
    • Avoiding loud noises and sudden movements
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Learn More About Trauma-Focused Therapy at Beachway

PTSD survivors often turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. Beachway Therapy Center’s solution-focused approach treats mental health and substance abuse disorders, helping residents rebuild their lives. Call 877-978-1880 to discuss outpatient and inpatient programs.