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PTSD Treatment & Recovery Program in Florida

Post-traumatic stress disorder, often called PTSD, involves a range of mental health issues associated with past trauma. People with PTSD often have depression, anxiety, and other co-occurring disorders, making personalized treatment critical for recovery.

Beachway Therapy Center uses a holistic treatment approach, which blends psychiatric care with counseling and holistic therapies. Holistic treatment strengthens the mind-body connection, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to improve their coping skills. Discover how Beachway’s PTSD treatment in Florida helps interrupt disturbing thought patterns.

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The Most Effective Treatments for PTSD

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a standard PTSD treatment, but it works better when combined with innovative methods. Our PTSD treatment center uses eye-movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), solution-focused therapy, and other modalities to find and cure the root cause of PTSD.

CBT is based on the idea that mental health problems are associated with faulty ways of thinking and learned patterns of unhelpful behavior. This type of therapy helps patients adjust their thinking patterns, which produces stronger coping skills.

EMDR involves moving the eyes in a specific pattern while thinking about traumatic memories. Processing these memories changes the way an individual feels about past trauma, allowing them to move forward.

When used for PTSD treatment in Florida, solution-focused therapy helps clients identify their personal strengths and discover how to use those strengths to recover from PTSD. Solution-focused therapy is different from other PTSD treatments because it emphasizes solutions instead of problems.

No two individuals are exactly the same, so PTSD recovery centers develop personalized care plans for each patient. Personalized treatment helps individuals address their unique problems instead of forcing them to try one-size-fits-all solutions that only work for a limited number of people.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

Customizing PTSD Care

PTSD recovery isn’t linear, so it’s common for patients to swing from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. For example, an individual may feel hopeful one day and angry the next. Beachway customizes each patient’s recovery plan to address these changing symptoms.

It’s also common for patients to progress and then regress. Experienced counselors are ready to adjust and meet each patient where they are, making the road to recovery a little smoother.

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The Impact of Untreated PTSD: Mixing Trauma and Substance Abuse

Many people with untreated PTSD also have substance abuse problems, putting them at risk of additional complications. PTSD causes many disturbing symptoms, prompting some individuals to drink or use drugs to cope with their pain. Unfortunately, substance use only makes PTSD worse. For example, alcohol addiction combined with PTSD may cause an individual to have intense feelings of anger and depression.

Untreated PTSD may also make other mental health conditions worse. In people with generalized anxiety disorder, traumatic flashbacks may cause additional anxiety. Individuals with depression may engage in self-destructive behavior due to PTSD symptoms. The longer PTSD goes untreated, the worse these problems get, making early intervention critical.

Support Systems for PTSD Recovery

Beachway Therapy Center offers comprehensive PTSD treatment in Florida, giving individuals with PTSD access to group therapy, counseling, and high-quality aftercare services. These support systems are essential for helping patients overcome their symptoms and recover from past trauma.

Trauma rehab treatment options, family support, community support, and other programs can make it easier to recover from the stress associated with overwhelming guilt and other symptoms. Some patients also benefit from using online resources, such as the National Center for PTSD or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, to learn more about the recovery process. The professionals at Beachway meet each patient’s needs by leading every treatment session with empathy and compassion.

Recognizing PTSD: Symptoms to Watch For

PTSD causes a variety of symptoms, all of which can lead to a low quality of life if left untreated. As a result, it’s critical for individuals with PTSD to seek a professional diagnosis and get personalized treatment.

PTSD often causes the following:

  • Intrusive memories
  • Negative thoughts and feelings
  • Avoidance of common triggers
  • Changes in physical and emotional reactions
  • Failing to meet work or family commitments
  • Losing interest in hobbies and activities
  • Feeling the need to use alcohol or drugs to be accepted, liked, or loved
  • Legal difficulties
  • Hiding negative habits and being secretive
  • Gaining or losing weight
  • Engaging in risky behavior, such as driving under the influence
  • Increasing isolation
  • Losing contact with family and friends

Understanding PTSD Versus General Trauma

Everyone experiences trauma at some point, but not all trauma leads to PTSD. Instead, PTSD is a clinical diagnosis based on a specific type of trauma. Beachway’s thorough assessment process distinguishes between the two, guiding the creation of effective treatment plans.

Common Causes of PTSD

PTSD occurs in every demographic and occupation, from individuals living in poverty to executives worth millions of dollars. These are just a few of the most common causes:

  • Traumatic life events during military service: Members of the military often face disturbing or life-threatening situations, causing them to develop PTSD.
  • Experiences as first responders: Police, EMTs, firefighters, and other first responders treat seriously injured and dying victims. Beachway offers specialized first responder treatment to help affected personnel manage their symptoms.
  • Toxic and abusive relationships: Physical, verbal, or sexual violence perpetrated by spouses, significant others, parents, and other loved ones may cause trauma that leads to PTSD.
  • Negative parent/child relationships: The relationship a child has with their parents has a lasting impact on their emotional health, especially when that relationship is abusive or neglectful.

Beachway’s Holistic Approach to Healing PTSD

Beachway offers holistic treatments, which work in conjunction with CBT and other standard therapies to treat the whole person–body, mind, and spirit. Experienced professionals consider each patient’s history and needs when crafting trauma rehab treatment plans. Holistic treatments include art therapy, mindfulness, and equine therapy.

Start Your Path to PTSD Recovery With Beachway

PTSD causes a variety of concerning symptoms, so it’s important to find specialized, compassionate care. Contact Beachway Therapy Center to learn more about our commitment to personalized treatment.