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Inpatient Treatment for Mental Health & Trauma

Inpatient mental health treatment provides a comprehensive and structured approach to mental health care. Beachway’s inpatient mental health services use a personalized approach to treat mental health issues and trauma. Inpatient trauma treatment integrates evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and dialectical behavior therapy. Professionals provide treatment for co-occurring conditions during inpatient trauma treatment. Through appropriate therapies delivered within a supportive setting, it’s possible for a person to stabilize and heal.

Soothing background image of white and gray waves.

Understanding Inpatient Mental Health at Beachway

At Beachway, individuals receive around-the-clock care and supervision. Unlike outpatient care, inpatient treatment offers a structured and secure environment, free from everyday stresses, so people can focus on recovery.

Beachway takes a unique approach to inpatient mental health. Individuals receive personalized care in a campus-like setting. This fosters a sense of community and mutual support among patients.

Many people wonder what to expect in rehab. While it’s normal to have worries, it’s important to remember that Beachway’s inpatient mental health treatment is delivered with care and compassion. Beachway’s services help individuals develop coping skills that allow them to manage their mental health over the long term.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

The Need for Inpatient Care

Inpatient care becomes crucial when people experience severe mental health conditions. Suicide ideation is one reason for inpatient treatment. Beachway keeps patients safe until they’re stable enough to go home. Inpatient mental health treatment is always recommended when someone is considering suicide and has a plan.

The admission process at Beachway involves screening to assess the severity of a person’s condition. This ensures they receive the appropriate level of care and supervision.

Soothing background image of white and gray waves.

Specialized Therapies for Mental Health and Trauma

Beachway uses several specialized therapies to treat severe trauma.

These therapies aren’t one-size-fits-all but are instead customized to meet each individual’s unique needs.

Experiential and holistic therapies complement traditional psychotherapy, providing patients with a toolkit for recovery. For example, an individual exposed to art therapy might learn to channel their emotions into art rather than harmful behaviors. Research on the connection between art therapy and anxiety disorders has shown that treatment involving creative outputs may even help with mood regulation.

Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues

Many individuals living with mental health disorders have co-occurring substance abuse issues. Beachway offers integrated treatment approaches to address them simultaneously.

The first step is to assess the patient’s substance use history and patterns. The team works with the patient to gain insight into the interplay between their mental health and substance use issues. A cohesive treatment plan is developed to address both; medication may be prescribed to manage mental health problems. Treatment plans are adjusted as patients progress in recovery.

Addressing and Treating Mental Health Disorders at Beachway

Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD each present their own set of challenges and complexities. Beachway’s inpatient program provides targeted strategies for managing these conditions using therapies, medication, and lifestyle modifications. By creating a supportive and therapeutic environment, Beachway empowers individuals to confront their mental health disorders head-on and achieve long-term recovery.

Depression Treatment in Inpatient Care

Inpatient strategies for treating depression include medication, therapies such as CBT, and peer support groups. Beachway also offers wellness activities that combat symptoms of depression, such as exercise and mindfulness.

Inpatient Anxiety Treatment

Therapies such as CBT help people identify and challenge their anxious thoughts and behaviors. Meanwhile, stress management techniques offer practical tools for coping with triggers. Daily routines and structured schedules help treat anxiety symptoms by providing stability and a sense of control. Peer support groups enable people with anxiety to feel understood and empowered.

Bipolar Disorder Management in a Residential Setting

Managing bipolar disorder involves a combination of mood-stabilizing medication and therapy. Patients learn to understand and regulate their emotions in a safe setting. Treatment plans are adjusted based on patient response, ensuring everyone gets the support they need.

PTSD Residential Recovery Programs

Beachway offers PTSD-specific recovery programs, which use evidence-based treatments and supportive networks to help patients heal from trauma. Inpatient trauma treatments include EMDR and CBT. Through group therapy and interactions with peers, many people find comfort and strength.

Inpatient Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

Beachways uses DBT as the cornerstone of inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder, alongside other therapies tailored to the complexities of the condition. It’s important for people with BPD to attend structured therapy sessions and skills training groups to learn coping mechanisms for emotional regulation. The goal is to increase distress tolerance, while individual therapy makes space for personal growth and self-awareness.

Creating Personalized Treatment Plans at Beachway

Through a comprehensive Bio Psycho Social evaluation, Beachway’s professionals gain insight into each patient’s history, challenges, and goals. Patient preferences and input are integrated into the development of a personalized care plan, which is adjusted over time to meet patients’ changing needs.

The first step in Beachway’s admission process is to call the center. Through a 5-10-minute call, the staff documents the person’s mental health history. Once payment arrangements are made, patients travel to the center, where they receive a warm welcome.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

How Long Is an Inpatient Mental Health Stay?

The average length of stay in acute mental health treatment is several weeks or months. The duration depends on how long it takes them to reach certain milestones. For example, an individual with substance use issues might need to stay sober for a certain length of time and become physically stable.

Mental health professionals regularly assess whether a person is ready to transition to less intensive care. When patients return to the community, it’s important for aftercare and community reintegration support to be in place to prevent a relapse.

Many people are concerned about the cost of rehab. In many cases, insurance covers some or all of the cost. Beachway’s insurance page offers more information.